Commercial/Retail/Public Buildings

Protecting the lives of your guests and patrons should be your number one concern. FLN can help. We have the dependable fire suppression solutions to help control fires and limit damage.
Common applications for FLN systems include airports, casual and fine dining restaurants, catering facilities, culinary schools, expo kitchens, four- and five-star lodging facilities, hospitals, nursing homes, sports complexes and stadiums. Fire deaths are steadily declining each year, but even one death is one too many. There is no cost greater than that of human life. Help protect your business and your customers with FLN solutions.
Public buildings such as government buildings, retail building, and commercial buildings require that all fire safety equipment meet a certain level of quality and safety. FNL can provide quality portable extinguishers that meet and exceed the codes, standards, and regulations required in your region. Espacially the water mist extinguishers connect a high effenciency with minimal dangers and secondary damages to the environment.
A full-range of application-specific, FLN portable extinguishers help you protect what matters most- your employees, your customers and your continued operations.