WA 50 F-500 2% Li -30°C

Frost Protected Extinguisher

The mobile frost-protected NEURUPPIN WA 50 F-500 fire extinguisher is the right tool in the right place in areas affected by frost and where large quantities of products such as lithium-ion batteries, rubber tyres or plastics may be involved in fires. The extinguishant bottle contains 50 L of water as well as the highly-effective fluorine-free F-500 PREMIX 2% - 30°C additive for effective fire-fighting. This is achieved using the 5 m length of hose (optionally 10 m) and can last up to 110 seconds. With F-500 burning materials and combustible gases are encapsulated and suppressed. In addition, this extinguishant reduces the heat level rapidly and reduces the surface tension of the water.

German quality, produced from stainless steel.

For this robust Made in Germany appliance to achieve a long service life, the bottle is made of stainless steel (R)-- meaning that corrosion from either inside or outside has no opportunity to form.


Data Sheet > PDF  Translation:  CS, DA, EL, FI, FR, HR, HU, IT, NL, NO,


Charging (kg): 50

Extinguishing Agent: F-500 PREMIX 2% -30°C

Rating: A

Temperature (°C): -30 / +60

Weight (kg): 88

Width (mm): 467

Height (mm): 980

Discharge Time(s): 110

Effective range (m):

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