WA 9 F-500 2% Li -30°C

Frost Protected Extinguisher

A particularly effective extinguishant for the successful combating of fires involving lithium-ion batteries, rubber tyres or plastic parts. Here, the rechargeable extinguishers in the NEURUPPIN WA F-500 series are in their element: this environmentally compatible extinguishant, frost-protected down to -30°C, can tackle fires quickly and effectively. It consists mostly of water and of F-500 Encapsulator Agent, a fluorine-free additive. With F-500 burning materials and combustible gases are encapsulated and suppressed. In addition, this extinguishant reduces the heat level rapidly and reduces the surface tension of the water.


Data Sheet > PDF  Translation:  NL DE


Charging (I): 9

Extinguishing Agent: F-500 PREMIX 2% -30°C

Rating: 34 A (10 LE)

Temperature (°C): -30 / +60

Weight (kg): 14.9

Width (mm): 280

Height (mm): 510

Discharge Time(s):

Effective range (m):

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